
Our endorsers represent the nation’s first intergenerational alliance for reforming higher education.

Want to join them? Endorse our plan.



Jim Blanchard

Honorable James Blanchard  Former Governor of Michigan

"As governor of Michigan, I created the first tuition guarantee program in the nation, the Michigan Education Trust.  We used the power of our state government to enable families to save for their children’s education.  Now, with the rising cost of college tuition making it even more difficult for cashed-strapped families to give their children the same opportunities, I am pleased to join the effort to educate everyone about the Campaign for Free College Tuition--to make college tuition free and help restore the American dream."

Michael Castle

Michael Castle  Former Governor and Congressman, DE

"The effort to be able to bring college within the means of every individual who wants to attend college and has the academic ability to do so is something which I think is badly needed in the United States of America."

Bob Carr

Honorable Bob Carr  Former Congressman, D-MI

"Every person in this great land of ours, should have the opportunity for a college degree without cost to themselves or their families. Without that key opportunity, the promise of equal opportunity - just - does - NOT – happen.”

William Brodhead

William Brodhead  Former Congressman, D-MI

"If I were the benevolent dictator, higher education, at least at public institutions, would be free for everybody. The fact that kids can't go to college because it costs too much results in enormous waste of our most valuable natural resource."

Morley Winograd

Morley Winograd  Former Senior Policy Adviser to Vice President Al Gore

"Our current system for financing higher education is wrong headed from an inter-generational perspective and economically disastrous. It needs to end before America loses its global competitive edge for good.  Just as America made primary school education mandatory and free in the 19th century and a high school education universally available and free in the 20th century, we need to make college tuition free in the 21st century."

Laird Harris

Laird Harris  Former Chief Policy Assistant for Washington Governor Booth Gardner

"In the early 1960s, with the help of NDEA loans and a small scholarship, I was able to receive a top notch education at a very good college.  Some of the loans were forgiven as a result of my military service and all were paid off by the time I entered graduate school on the GI Bill.  The CFCT plan can bring similar government support to current and future generations of students."


Doug Ross  Former Assistant Secretary of Labor for Education and Training

"In 21st century America, it's long past due to expand our free K-12 system into a free K-16 system in the name of both opportunity and future prosperity.&rdquo

Simon Rosenberg

Simon Rosenberg  President and Founder of NDNp

"Ensuring that America has a well-educated workforce that isn’t crippled by student loan debt is a bold cause that would have a positive benefit for all.  I applaud CFCT’s historic commitment to free universal education by making public colleges tuition free in all 50 states."

Harris Miller

Harris Miller  Former CEO of Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities

"By working at a steel mill during the summers, a car wash in the winters, and earning scholarships, I had enough to pay for college without enormous student loans. Today’s prohibitive college tuition levels would make that outcome impossible.  The higher education funding system doesn’t need tweaks; it needs to be ripped out root and branch and replaced with a system for the 21st Century--free college tuition; manageable student loans; incentives for schools to control inflation."  

David Wolf

David Wolf  Co-Founder Campaign for College Opportunity

"For students and families, communities and our nation, equal access to, and completion of, higher education must become an American priority.  The Campaign for Free College Tuition is a major step to that end."


Cryn Johannsen

Cryn Johannsen  Founder and Executive Director of All Education Matters, Inc.

"Higher education should unleash creative potential. It shouldn't wind up being an instrument of punishment through permanent indebtedness. That not only hurts borrowers, it hurts the strength of the United States of America.”

Robert Shapiro

Robert Shapiro  Chairman and Chief Executive of Sonecon, LLC

“Here’s an ingenious and efficient way to address, at once, our country’s urgent need to expand access to higher education and limit the debt burdens on those who pursue it.”

Michael J. Carter

Michael J. Carter  Founder and CEO, Strive for College

"College costs have outpaced inflation with no end in sight. It's time to make a college education both accessible and cost-effective.”

Gregg Crawford

Gregg Crawford  CEO of The Bay Group

"One of the most important current and ongoing issues facing Americans is ever increasing college debt.  In many ways our competitive future is at risk if the college debt problem is not solved.  I am proud to be associated with an organization that has a solution to fix this problem permanently.”

Rick Wiener

Rick Wiener  Former COS to Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm

"My parents and their parents created a system of public education that gave my generation economic opportunities in the 20th century. It’s time for my generation to continue this legacy by making college tuition free and to create the economic opportunities of the 21st century.”

Dierdre Roney

Deirdre Roney  Activist and Philanthropist

"Currently, we prevent our children from being sufficiently educated to advance either themselves or our country. Those few who manage to get educated despite our system are prevented from reaching their potential, because they are crushed by tuition debts. The Campaign for Free College Tuition urges us to invest in intelligent, hard-working young people, because they are our collective future. It's common sense and the right thing to do."

Donald W. Nielsen

Donald W. Nielsen  Ph.D., Former Professor & Chair, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis

"I am proud to endorse this organization, which has a well-reasoned plan to make college tuition free without increasing taxes, burdening future generations or increasing the nation's overall debt. There is no more sustainable way to halt the growth of economic inequality in our country than to execute this plan."

Bill Halter

Honorable Bill Halter  Former Lt. Governor of Arkansas

Ray LaHood

Honorable Ray LaHood  Former Congressman, IL and Transportation Secretary

Howard Berman

Howard Berman  Former Congressman, CA

Dennis Hertel

Dennis Hertel  Former Congressman, MI

Elaine Kamarck

Elaine Kamarck  Former Lecturer in Public Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Bill Deresiewicz

Bill Deresiewicz  New York Times Bestelling Author,

    Excellent Sheep

“We recognize that free, quality K-12 education is a right of citizenship. We also need to recognize—as we once did and as many countries still do—that the same is true of higher education.”

David Osborne

David Osborne  Author and Senior Partner, Public Strategies Group

Ryan Casey

Ryan Casey   Chairman, Lincoln County Democratic Party

Don Fowler

Don Fowler   Former Chairman, Democratic National Committee

Gary Hart

Honorable Gary Hart   Former State Senator, California

Ted Kahn

Ted Kahn   CEO of DesignWorlds for College & Careers

We can't do this alone!

Our goal is to make higher education a possibility for every American, without regard to their financial circumstances.

We have a lot to do and not much time to do it, so your support is critical for our campaign to succeed. It’s with your investment that we can fundamentally reform how higher education is financed in this country, opening the doors to a more equitable society.

If you agree with our goal, our plan, and the urgency of the problem, we ask that you give what you can to help us write the next chapter in our nation’s history of continuously expanding access to universal, free education.

The Campaign for Free College Tuition is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization established in the State of Washington in 2014 to educate parents, students, the higher education community, policy makers and taxpayers about efforts needed to fundamentally reform our nation’s system for financing higher education. This website and CFCT’s educational outreach activities are made possible through generous individual and foundation support.
